Webinar on ‘Career Counseling and Guidance’
- 15,Jul 2021
- Posted By : Anand Admin
One-day webinar on ‘Career Counseling and Guidance’ was organised by Disha Bharti College of management & education, Delhi Road, Saharanpur. On 10th July.
The academicians discussed the severe harm caused by the pandemic towards the quality of education in India. They also accepted the fact that “there is no other way apart from online teaching and imparting of education during the pandemic.”
The teachers were also encouraged to adopt various e-platforms available online to help aid in their teachings.
To deal with issues, such as interrupted electricity, internet disruptions/ unavailability in remote areas, lack of technical literacy and inability to own technical devices like smart-phones, laptops etc, it was suggested that students from under-privileged backgrounds be encouraged. The concerned institutes were provided several options to impart education to those students.